Corporate Mission:
Compatible Nutraceuticals, Inc. aims to supply distinctive, high quality and compatible supplements to our customers, and to engage and inform all those we interact with of our ongoing research and developments. We aspire to provide a model of excellent well-being to our community, one which is inclusive of environmental awareness, personal responsibility, and impeccable business ethics. We offer products, services and information that can be trusted and shared.
Corporate Vision:
Corporate Values
“Business, more than any other occupation, is a continual dealing with the future; it is a continual calculation, an instinctive exercise in foresight.” – Henry R. Luce
Corporate Values – Customers and Community:
• Responsibility
We deliver on our promises in both production and distribution. We are honest and transparent in all our business transactions. We honor the trust of our customers, and recognize it to be the most important factor in our success as a business. We recognize the ultimate necessity of responsible stewardship of this planet, and accept our role as a contributing figure in the future health of our environment.
• Clarity
We develop the highest purity possible products that contribute to individual well being while also being logical and easy to understand. As indicated by the name LUCID, we strive to inspire clarity: it is the basis and formative ground of our product development, and the ultimate outcome from our product and educational contributions.
• Innovation
We share the latest advancements in the science and technology through developing new and innovative products and technical applications. We strive to be on the cutting edge of nutritional science because we recognize the benefit this intent has for our customers and the quality of products they may access.
Corporate Values – Employees:
• Law of Requisite Variety
Simply, this law states that the business or system with the most flexibility will also be the one with the most influence. Through combining a variety of highly talented and confident professionals, Compatible Nutraceuticals Inc. has created a business system that is capable of not just surviving the stressful and competitive climate of industry, but will actually increase agility and talent when challenges arrive.
• Collaboration
We are a team of like-minded people united by common goals; a group of individuals who all possess both extraordinarily high ethics and excellent communication. Our business runs on teamwork and collaboration, saving the competition aspect of this work for outside our company walls.
We are competent and mature in all we do, always entirely respectful to both our Customers and business Partners. We establish and maintain excellent relationships will all suppliers and clients, operating with integrity and honesty at all times.