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Best Multivitamins for Women

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Best Multivitamins for Women

It’s a well known fact that different bodies require different nutrition. What you feed to a small child will never fulfill all the requirements for an adult, and vice versa: for a child to consume the daily calories, vitamins, minerals and nutrients appropriate for an adult would be dangerous!

We all have different needs, and our bodies will respond differently to foods and supplements. If you are in the market for a multivitamin supplement, it is essential that you take this into consideration in your purchase, for otherwise you could be doing great harm to your body and/or not at all getting the nutrition you need.

Say, for example, that you are a woman. Given your smaller body size, hormonal requirements, and considerably different physiology (from that of a man), what your body need to function optimally from day to day is very different. Both the amount and types of nutrients you consume will vary greatly. When purchasing a multivitamin you must consider these truths.

The best multivitamins for women will take some important elements into consideration:

1. Does the formula have iron?

This might be one of the biggest ones, considering the amount of iron that women lose each month in comparison to that which males consume in daily metabolic functions. Yes, we all need some iron, but make sure that your multivitamin (if you’re a woman) contains a highly absorbable form. Iron is essential for your energy, metabolism, and overall well-being.

2. Does the formula have hormone regulating elements?

The hormone system of females is very sensitive, and responds to both external influences (diet, toxins, nutritional deficiencies) and internal influences (stress, metabolism, etc). A superior multivitamin will be sure to include certain elements—zinc, magnesium, a full spectrum of minerals as well as some hormonally-supportive herbs—that assist in balancing and regulating the hormones. A multivitamin for women that doesn’t address this is just incomplete.

3. Does the formula take compatibility into mind?

Here we’re not just talking about compatibility between your body and the formula (although that is essential, and the core part of this article!), but also compatibility between the elements within the formula. If a multivitamin is designed with all the known nutrients combined into a single pill it is unlikely that you’ll be absorbing much of the contents, and, in fact, those ingredients may be doing harm to your body through reactions that occur in your digestive system when you ingest them. To learn more about compatibility in multivitamins, and how it affects your health, please visit .

The best multivitamins for women will be absolutely sure to cover these three points, ensuring that the whole person is nourished and supported in their quest for greater health. There are excellent brands and products available on the market today that address these issues, so be sure to make an educated purchase.



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