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What the top multivitamins really are?

Top Multivitamins

What the top multivitamins really are?

When there are so many different products available on the market today, it is seemingly impossible to tell what the top multivitamins really are. Each company has it’s own spin and perspective on what makes a good supplement and multivitamin product, of course, and each is attempting to sway customers to their belief system so that they can sell! This is understandable, and yet somewhat sad when the truth is that we all should be aiming to do nothing but further support human health (if we are operating with integrity as a business, as one would hope).

Here are some key things to think about if you really are serious about finding the top multivitamins out there, based upon the most cutting edge science available:

While the argument has long been that these small amounts of synthetic fillers and trace (quite toxic) binding agents won’t have an effect on the body, research has proven otherwise. The fact is that even in small amounts these known toxic chemicals have an effect on our bodies, negating (potentially) the positive effects that the vitamins and minerals included will have. It is key to make sure that you do your research to figure out which binders and flow agents and fillers are truly safe for consumption, and which may be doing your body immense harm.

It may look good to you that you’re getting 3566% of the daily intake of a particular vitamin in your multivitamin, but this kind of supplementation could potentially take a toll on your long term health. Certainly there are times when our bodies need more support than others (during illness and extended periods of stress, for example) but taking a high-dose supplement means that your detoxifying organs (the kidneys and liver, specifically) will have a lot more to do in the long run. This is not a good thing.

The newest and yet one of the longest known qualities to be considered when buying a vitamin, compatibility between the nutrients may make all the difference in both the safety and efficacy of what you are consuming. Without taking compatibility into mind in the design of a multivitamin, there is no way that the product can be as beneficial as a company would like to have

If you’re looking for the top multivitamin product out there, be sure to pay attention to these three qualities, and choose wisely. While we would love to think that all multivitamin supplements are made the same, the truth is much different than that, and your health depends upon a wise choice.

For more information please read about Lucid Vitamins to explore the concept of compatibility



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